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Between The Black Ox and The White Ox

On one occasion, the Venerable Sariputta and the Venerable Mahthila lived together in Mt. Gijjakt located in the northeast of Rajagaha, capital of Magadha.

One evening, after the conclusion of a meditation session, the Venerable Mahthila went to see the Venerable Sariputta. After exchanged greetings by joining palms, the Venerable Mahthila asked:

“Study friend Sariputta! Does the eye affix the stuff being seen? Or the things being seen affix the eye? Also, other similar situation like ear and sound; nose and smell; tongue and taste, body and touch, think and that which one thinks, which one is affixed which after all?”

“Study friend Mahthila! I say it is not the eye affixes what is being seen, nor what is being seen affixes the eye; similarly, ear and sound; nose and smell; tongue and taste, body and touch, think and that which one thinks are the same; it is not which one affixes which, they are affixed by the desire aroused by these two instead. Study friend Mahthila! Just like tied side by side two oxen, one black, one white to pull the cart, if someone asks, whether it is the black ox tied with the white ox? Or the white ox tied with the black ox? Is such question appropriate?”

“Oh! Such question is inappropriate, Study friend Sariputta! Because it is not the black ox tied with the white ox, nor the white ox tied with the black ox, it is the yoke and the ropes between the oxen that ties them up.”

“So it is, Study friend Mahthila! It is not the eye affixes what is being seen, nor what is being seen affixes the eye; similarly, ear and sound; nose and smell; tongue and taste, body and touch, think and that which one thinks, which one is affixed are the same, is not which one affixes which, they are affixed by the desire aroused by the causes and conditions instead.

Study friend Mahthila! If the eye could affix what is being seen, what is being seen could affix the eye; similarly, ear and sound; nose and smell; tongue and taste, body and touch, think and that which one thinks were one affixed with another, then we would have no way of practicing, and the World Respected One would be unable to teach everyone to practice in order to severe from suffering.

Study friend Mahthila! The World Respected One sees something desirable, or undesirable, desire will not be aroused; but the ordinary people are different, when seeing something desirable, or undesirable, the desire of taking it or leaving it alone will be aroused; hence, The World Respected One said: One should annihilate desire! Once desire is annihilated, then the mind is liberated, the eye sees, the ear hears, the nose smells, the tongue tastes, the body touches, the thought and consciousness are the same: Once desire annihilated, then the mind is liberated.”





1. This story was derived from Samyutagama 250th Sutra and Samyuktta-nikaya 35th Nikaya 191st Sutra.

2. The metaphor of the black ox and the white ox, explained the principle and key to Dharma practicing, also explained the importance of the soothing and annihilating the desire.