神射手的啟示──深徹的四聖諦 有一次,佛陀遊化到跋祇國首府毘舍離城,住在城北的大林重閣精舍。 這天,尊者阿難早上準備進城去乞食,一出門,就看到一群來自城裡的離車族小孩,以精舍大門的小門孔作箭靶,正在比賽射箭。 尊者阿難看了一會兒,只見這些孩子們,個個都是神射手,箭箭都精準地射入了那小門孔內,沒有一支偏離,心中不禁對這麼高難度的技巧感到神奇。 乞食回來後,尊者阿難去見佛陀,將射箭一事告訴佛陀。 佛陀因而告訴尊者阿難說: 「你覺得這些孩子箭箭射入那小門孔內難呢?還是將一根毛分成一百段,拿出其中的一段為箭靶,每一箭都射中箭靶難?」 「世尊!當然是射中一根毛的一百分之一難。」 「阿難!但這不會比能對苦聖諦、苦集聖諦、苦滅聖諦、苦滅道跡聖諦生起如實的體證還難。 所以,阿難!應當盡全力來修學苦聖諦、苦集聖諦、苦滅聖諦、苦滅道跡聖諦。」 |
Inspiring Sharp Archers----The Profound and Thorough Four Noble Truth On one occasion, the Buddha was in Pisali, capital of Vrji for traveling and teaching. He was staying at Kuragarasala, located in north of the city. On this date, Venerable Ananda was preparing to go to the city for begging for foods; upon existing the gate, he saw a group of Licchavi youths form the city that used a small hole on the gate of Kuragarasala as target and engaging in archery competition.
按語: 一、本則故事取材自《雜阿含第四○五經》、《相應部第五六相應第四五經》。 二、四聖諦是讓佛陀證得解脫的法,也是成佛後初轉法輪的主要內容,表示了佛法的修學可以從四聖諦開展,以及四聖諦在佛法中的地位。 三、四聖諦對學佛者來說,可說是耳熟能詳。與緣起法一樣,道理的說明與理解好像不太難,但實踐與體證可就難了,這從佛陀的比喻,可知一二,不能等閒而輕忽了。 |
Notes: 1. This story was derived from Samyutagama 405th Sutra, and Samyuta-nikeya 56th Samyukta 45th Sutra. 2. The Four Noble Truth was the Dharma which allowed the Buddha to verify Liberation. They were the main contents of The First Turning of the Dharma Wheel after his Buddhahood attainment. It indicates the rank of the Four Noble True in the Buddha Dharma and that learning the Buddha Dharma could be started from the Four Noble Truth. 3. To a Buddhist, the Four Noble True is a household word. Similar to the Dependent Origination, it seems not too difficult to explain and comprehend, but it would be difficult in practice and verify. One can take a glimpse from the metaphor illustrated by the Buddha and should not be taken lightly. |